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The ATHLETICISM Sports Performance is the track based speed & movement system, with a foundation of flexible, joint stability, and neve health.


The meeting covered a wide range of topics related to health and wellness, with a particular focus on the impact of technology and environmental stressors on human health. Justin Frandson, a guest speaker, initiated discussions on topics such as EMF, wellness, and the impact of technology on health. The participants explored the potential health risks associated with man-made electromagnetic fields and their differential absorption by various parts of the human body. They also discussed the importance of grounding by nature and the use of crystals for EMF protection.
  • 2 min read
New twist on ancient natural solution to emf stressors will have you feeling amazing, electromagnetic frequency radiation protection.
  • 1 min read
Are you curious about the impact of electronic devices on our health? How is technology impacting our health? And why is connection with nature important?
  • 1 min read
THIS EPISODE OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER focuses on the effects of EMF (electromagnetic fields) on health and athletic performance and whether there are natural forms of protection from these forces.
  • 1 min read
Unlock the secrets of electromagnetic fields with me, Dr. Charlyce, as I sit down with Athletic Performance Coach, Justin Frandson, who is well-versed in the subtleties of EMF and its effects on our health.
  • 1 min read
We also discuss the effects of electronics on your sleep, how your wearables are emitting EMF and what it’s doing to our health, what you need to know about electrosensitivity and electromedicine, and – something many of you will find fascinating – the negative effects of electric cars on the environment and human health.
  • 1 min read
