Lean Oil™ MCT Palm Kernel Oil
This is the purest, fairtrade form of Palm MCT Oil directly from the source of Malaysia. You can see how clear and lean our oil makes you. Just two teaspoons per day and you will see. One teaspoon in the morning and once at night. When you burn sustained fat as fuel, your body comes alive. Brain function, memory, and energy are optimized. Most love it as you shed pounds like never before. The ones that workout, get ripped. Proper MCT Oil buffers your brain and body to function more efficiently. See cholesterol and blood sugar levels normalize. We equate it to burning a log on fire versus paper. The paper is equated to burning sugar as fuel. A log is a more sustained, consistent run, equivalent to burning fat as fuel.
Nerve Work For Performance
Lower Body / Cranial Nerves
Pure Sports Performance
Individual, Group & Team
Justin and Athleticism, Thanks for helping me prolong my career and stay young. What a program!
John Cook
PGA Champions Tour

It should be no surprise to anyone that natural protection from man-made electromagnetic fields would come from the earth itself. EMF Rocks is an innovative solution, using natural crystals found in the earth to help protect ourselves from the harmful effects of EMF exposure. I use them in my house, office, car and everywhere I go.
Dr. Tom Cowan MD

The Grounding Bag has made a significant difference for me in repelling all the polarizing vibrations of the wireless signals around my life in NYC.
Dr. Jack Mantione, P.T.
New York, NY

The instant I put a Grounding Bag under my desk, I felt an immediate calming sensation in my office.
Dr. Howard Cohn
D.C., Cohn Health Institute