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The ATHLETICISM Sports Performance is the track based speed & movement system, with a foundation of flexible, joint stability, and nerve health.

Sound Bed

  • 1 min read
We officially have our membership, frequency healing center at ATHLETICISM in Newport Beach. We offer our Sound Bed, Gravity Free Bed, Mind Spa, Audio and Visual Stimulation, Aromatherapy, and Light Therapy for a monthly membership. Get out of sympathetic mode instantly. This is the most incredible membership offered for recharging and boosting your energy and life force. It is huge for athletes to have recovery modalities that work fast. We have the best protocol available and offer it to you for unbelievable, cost-effective memberships.

If you have never experienced sound healing or a sound bed, this will blow you away on how effective, amazing, and powerful of an experience it is. For those that enjoy music, it is even more profound. Book your first appointment today.
